Roads & Bridges

New Construction/Upgrades

  • Stafford’s Post Interchange for the South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL) – SAICE and FULTON award winning project

The project entailed the upgrading and improvement of the existing “T” intersection to a full diamond interchange to improve safety of vehicles and pedestrians. The works consisted of upgrading 2,2km’s (40,000m²) of single carriageway to an undivided dual-carriageway on the N2, 0,7km’s (10,000m²) of rehabilitation, realignment and widenings on the R56, 2,4km’s (16,000m²) of new ramps, and the addition of a 1km climbing lane on the N2, which involved the construction of earthworks and layerworks, with a 135mm asphalt base and a 20mm UTFC friction course.



  • Upgrading Of Dr08002, Lady Frere To Cala, Eastern Cape For The Department Of Roads And Public Works (J.V.)

The works involve the upgrading of 30km of existing gravel road to surfaced standards. Nathoo Mbenyane Engineers involvement was for the design and supervision of 10km of road, of which 4km is blacktop and is to be rehabilitation.

  • Upgrading Of Dr08264, Idutywa to Engcobo, Eastern Cape For The Department Of Roads And Public Works (J.V.)

The works involve the upgrading of 32km of existing gravel road to surfaced standards. Nathoo Mbenyane Engineers involvement was for the design and supervision of 16km of road, encompassing asphalt surfacing, drainage, pipe and box culverts, upgrading of intersections and fencing.

  • Deep water port Infrastructure development, for Coega Development Corporation  

Upgrading of Neptune road, along the existing N2 to dual carriageway standard and the construction of cloverleaf interchange and bridges. Neptune road passing through the interchange under the N2 will become a six- lane dual carriageway road with a 5m wide median and an additional collector distributor on each side.